Saturday, October 22, 2011

News Muammar Gaddafi Dead

Death 2 U!
Loungin Gaddafi:
Hollywood star:
2 shots 2 da head:
Dat 70′s show:
Grandma Gaddafi:
I’m here:
Gaddafi serving time:
Eskimo Gaddafi:
Before I was evil:
Judge Juddafi:
Me likey deez flowers:
Winning #2:
You mothafuka:
I declare WAR!
Son, I am dissapoint:

Gaddafi’s son smoked before being killed 
Tripoli: Several cell phone images have shown that killed Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi’s son Mutassim was allowed a last smoke before being killed by the rebels in Sirte.

Mutassim was reportedly captured and killed the same day as his father in Libya.

One of the images that spread through the social media show him smoking, while others show him drinking from a water bottle and resting with his hands on his head, ABC News reports.
The pictures surfaced as the United Nations High Commission for Human Rights called for an investigation into the death of Gaddafi, who also appeared alive and in rebel custody in a series of videos before being killed, allegedly in "crossfire”.

"On the issue of Gadhafi's death yesterday, the circumstances are unclear -- there seem to be four or five different versions of how he died. We believe there is a need for an investigation and more details are needed to ascertain whether he was killed in the fighting or after his capture," the UN office said in a statement on Friday.'s youngest son led his own feared army unit, the Khamis Brigade, which was infamous for torture and intimidation. Killed in fighting during the fall of Tripoli.Violent and abusive, Hannibal was accused of beating his pregnant girlfriend in Paris in 2005 and was arrested for assaulting two servants in a Geneva hotel, but ran back to Libya after being released on bail.

Gaddafi death: Dead or fled?

Mutassem Kadhafi (Pic: AFP)

Clues to Gaddafi's death concealed from public view

Libyan forces guarding Muammar Gaddafi's body in a cold storage room let in members of the public to view
the deposed leader for a second day, but the wounds that may hold the clue to how he died were covered up.
Clues to Gaddafi's death concealed from public view Gaddafi's body lay on a mattress on the floor of the cold room, as it did on Friday when hundreds of members of the public filed in to see for themselves that the man who ruled Libya for 42 years was dead.
But unlike the previous day, Gaddafi's body was covered by a blanket that left only his head exposed, hiding the bruises on his torso and scratch marks on his chest that had earlier been visible.
And, crucially, a Reuters reporter who viewed the body said, Gaddafi's head had been turned to the left. That meant a bullet hole that earlier could be seen on the left side of his face, just in front of his ear, could no longer be seen.
Guards overseeing Gaddafi's body handed out green surgical masks to dozens of people filing in to take a look because of the stench of rotting flesh filling the room.
The bullet hole in Gaddafi's head, and the other wounds, could help solve the riddle of whether, as Libya's new rulers said, he was shot in crossfire in a battle or, as some accounts suggest, he was killed by the fighters who caught him.
A local military commander in the city of Misrata, where the forces which captured him took his body, said ''over-enthusiastic'' fighters took matters into their own hands when they came face to face with the man they despise.
''We wanted to keep him alive but the young guys, things went out of control,'' he said speaking on condition of anonymity.
Few people in Libya - where thousands of people, including civilians, were killed by Gaddafi's forces in the seven-month rebellion - say they are troubled by the manner of his death.
But if he was indeed killed by his captors, it will cast doubt on the promises by Libya's new rulers to respect human rights and prevent reprisals. It would also embarrass Western governments which gave their wholehearted backing to the NTC.
Clues to Gaddafi's death concealed from public view
Clues to Gaddafi's death concealed from public view
Clues to Gaddafi's death concealed from public view

Gaddafi's death game over

guardianNational Transitional Council fighters celebrate in Sirte.
Gaddafi death