Saturday, October 22, 2011

Gaddafi’s son smoked before being killed 
Tripoli: Several cell phone images have shown that killed Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi’s son Mutassim was allowed a last smoke before being killed by the rebels in Sirte.

Mutassim was reportedly captured and killed the same day as his father in Libya.

One of the images that spread through the social media show him smoking, while others show him drinking from a water bottle and resting with his hands on his head, ABC News reports.
The pictures surfaced as the United Nations High Commission for Human Rights called for an investigation into the death of Gaddafi, who also appeared alive and in rebel custody in a series of videos before being killed, allegedly in "crossfire”.

"On the issue of Gadhafi's death yesterday, the circumstances are unclear -- there seem to be four or five different versions of how he died. We believe there is a need for an investigation and more details are needed to ascertain whether he was killed in the fighting or after his capture," the UN office said in a statement on Friday.'s youngest son led his own feared army unit, the Khamis Brigade, which was infamous for torture and intimidation. Killed in fighting during the fall of Tripoli.Violent and abusive, Hannibal was accused of beating his pregnant girlfriend in Paris in 2005 and was arrested for assaulting two servants in a Geneva hotel, but ran back to Libya after being released on bail.

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