Sitting against a wall and smoking a cigarette while swigging from a bottle of water, his white vest covered in blood, this is Gaddafi's loyal son Mutassim after he was captured by rebels. Mutassim, a senior army officer and security adviser, was later pictured still alive and lying on a sofa. Later he was to be pictured lying dead on a stretcher with a wound to the throat not visible earlier. WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT
A Last Cigarette And A Swig Of Water, Gaddafi's Son Mutassim Pictured Before He Too Died Of New Wounds Acquired In Captivity -- Daily Mail
Sitting against a wall and smoking a cigarette while swigging from a bottle of water, his white vest covered in blood, this is Gaddafi's loyal son Mutassim after he was captured by rebels.
Mutassim, a senior army officer and security adviser, was later pictured still alive and lying on a sofa.
The new Libyan government’s TV channel broadcast a close-up showing Mutassim in what appeared to be a hospital.
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More News On The Death Of Gaddafi's Son Mutassim
Mystery of Gaddafi son’s death in custody after he too was captured alive -- Independent.ie
Libya: Mutassim Gaddafi smoked cigarette before he was killed -- The Telegraph
Gaddafi's son Mutassim pictured smoking final cigarette in captivity before his death -- Mirror.co.uk
Mutassim Gaddafi's final cigarette -- The Asian Age
My Comment: Anyone can see that he was executed.
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